JVS Scholarship
FAQ For JVS Scholarship
What is the JVS Scholarship Opportunity?
- Full paid JVS Scholarship for junior and senior years granted by simply completing a short contact information form and a short paragraph explaining how The Columbia Community Foundation Scholarship will assist you in achieving your employment goals.
Who is eligible:
- Student must be a resident of Columbia Township
- A minimum of 2.0 GPA
- Compose a short paragraph telling us how LCJVS will help you reach your employment goals
- No out of school suspensions while at LCJVS
When do you apply:
- See your Guidance Counselor, Ms. Suzie Neff, Columbia HighSchool neffs@columbia.k12.oh.us or
- See your JVS Associate Principal,, Megan Champagne, mchampage@lcjvs.net
- Get application on our website thecolumbiacommunityfoundation.org
Why would you apply for this scholarship?:
- Save the money for your parents or yourself. We want to recognize today’s upcoming employment force & have established this funding to assist our community so families may spend their money elsewhere to improve their lives.
How do I apply?
- Complete the short application and submit it to LCJVS Assistant Treasurer, Carrie Sillia (CSillia@LCJVS.net) by September 30th.
- You can download the application here
Are my equipment and tools paid for as well?
- Yes, all classroom fees and equipment, tools, & supplies are covered that are required by your instruction for your field of interest.
How to Give
Achieve the Unthinkable: We unite individuals across Columbia Township and surrounding communities who have a wide range of interests and ideas to combine their contributions to support worthy programs and projects.
We’re a developer of resources, seeking solicitations from the public and private sector, donating funds for special programs, and for the development of permanent and accessible endowments for charitable purposes dedicated to the betterment of the community. We are a scholarship provider and grant maker and we’re governed by a volunteer Board of Directors who are chosen for their knowledge, ties to the community, integrity, and experience in serving the community.